Green circular gradient

Wind energy:

harnessing the power of nature

The wind is the result of differences in atmospheric pressure – warm air rises, creating turbulence as cool air rushes to areas of low pressure on the surface.
Wind icon

How Wind energy works

We have been capturing the wind’s energy for centuries to mill wheat and power industries. Today, modern wind turbines capture the wind’s energy to generate clean, sustainable electricity, making it a vital component of renewable energy solutions.

Wind turbines

These turbines spin with the wind to generate electricity. The movement of the blades drives a generator, converting kinetic energy into electrical energy. This process produces no smoke, no pollution, just clean energy for your home.

Wind farms

Groups of wind turbines are known as wind farms. They bring substantial amounts of clean energy to areas like Anglesey. Offshore wind farms, hold even greater potential for future energy projects.

The anatomy of a wind turbine

Each blade works the same way as a plane wing – the differences in air pressure causes the rotor to spin.

Wind energy advantages

Produces no greenhouse gases or pollution

Making it an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels!

A cost-effective resource

Once installed, wind turbines have low operating costs and can provide affordable electricity.

An environmentally friendly method

Wind is a renewable resource that will not run out, ensuring a long-term energy solution.

Anglesey, a prime location for wind

Wind energy is not only beneficial for reducing carbon emissions but also for creating jobs and fostering technological advancements. Anglesey, with its favorable wind conditions, is a prime location for both onshore and offshore wind projects, promising a bright future for renewable energy development in the region.

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